The Vend Shop Questions The Vend Shop Questions Firstname * Invalid value Last name * Invalid value Phone * Invalid value Email * Invalid value Are you looking for New or Second-hand Machine? New Machine Second-Hand Machine Invalid value What type of machine are you looking for? Drinks only Snacks only Drink and Snacks Coffee Machine Invalid value Where will your machine be located? Indoors Outdoors Invalid value Are there any space constraints at the site to restrict the size of your machine? Invalid value What is your budget? Invalid value What is your timeframe for purchasing? I'm ready to buy now 1-3 months 4-6 months Invalid value Products you are interested in? Festival R290 Rango R290 Swing Twist Jazz Samba Touch Samba Orchestra Melodia Necta Sinfonia Refurbished Diesis Crane BevMAX Refurbished Aussie Drink Tango Magic M1 Coffee Magic M2 Coffee Opera Coffee Concerto Coffee Opera Double Expresso Coffee Maestro Touch Coffee Krea Coffee Koro Prime Coffee Kalea Plus Coffee Kalea Coffee Canto Double Expresso Coffee Invalid value Any further comments or questions? Invalid value Buy a vending machine Please click the reCAPTCHA checkbox. Submit